A quick guide to using Siri with your HomeKit accessories


An automation framework, HomeKit is Apple’s attempt at creating a way to control smart household appliances, such as: speakers, lights, security, TV, coffee machine, locks etc.

But HomeKit won’t come with a centralised app, instead you’ll need to use Siri- Apple’s personal assistant to command the software.

By utilising Siri you can organise this functionality and trigger commands across all your appliances.

Pre-set commands allow you to tell Siri how exactly Homekit should respond. For example, you could tell Siri to ‘turn off the bedroom lights’ or ‘lock the garage door.’

If you’re running current Apple software you can even control such appliances remotely.

But perhaps most impressive is the fact that Siri has the ability to run group commands, simultaneously allowing you to lock the front door, turn off all the lights and make sure those speakers are off.

Interestingly, you’ll even be able to query things such as: ‘did I lock the front door?’

So how can you create a smart home using Apple’s HomeKit? Read on for a quick guide to getting started. Note steps may vary depending on app.

Appliance Setup

First of all you’ll have to setup you appliances in their given apps- this is because there isn’t one specific app for HomeKit- as aforementioned.

Once this is complete, you will need to open the Siri Integration Screen and add your HomeKit appliances so Siri recognises them.

Room Setup

  • Open chosen HomeKit app and proceed to Siri Integration Screen -> Select ‘Rooms’ -> Select ‘Plus Button’ to add a room -> Name the room -> Select devices you wish to control within it -> ‘Save’


Zone Setup

  • Open chosen HomeKit app and proceed to Siri Integration -> Select ‘Zones’ -> Select ‘Plus Button’ to add a new zone -> Name Zone -> Select rooms to control within it -> ‘Save’



Once you’ve enacted these steps you should be ready to start utilising your smart home- enjoy!