www.comcast.com/eloa/agreement – Xfinity Online Acceptance


Comcast Eola Agreement

  • Use the Xifinty customers account number, order date, and zip code to complete the Xfinity Online Acceptance service (the entire acceptance process should take 5 minutes or less)

The Online Acceptance process is required for customers who signed up for a free trial or other special offer promotions.  When entering the Xfinity account number please be sure to use only numeric digits only i.e.  07120123456051 or 8020123412347890 PLUS the date must be within the last 30 days or the acceptance process will fail.  The second part of the acceptance process will require the customer to have the Order ID, Account Number, Billing Name, Billing Address and Zip Code.

Please direct any problems with the Comcast Eola Agreement process to…

  • 1 (800) 934-6489 (phone)
  • accessibility@comcast.com (email)

Comcast is a billion dollar US-based mass media corporation which services 40 states.  Comcast has a nasty reputation as being one of the  “The Worst Company in America” as reported by the Consumerist in 2014 (and has done little to change that label ever since).  Services offered by the firm include Broadband internet, Home Security Systems, Television broadcasting, Sports franchising and even Theme parks.

Via: www.comcast.com/eloa/agreement