www.cybergrants.com/merck/payments – Merck Gives Back


Cyber Grants Merck Payments

  • Register for the Merck Give Back program

When signing up the customer will need to provide their name, telephone number (home or cell), email address and access code.  The access code was the one provided by the grantmaking organization.  The customer will also have to create a password associated with the Cyber Grants Merck Payments program and the password must be between 6 and 16 characters long and consist of letters, numbers, or any of the following special characters: ‘@!#$-_’. The password” is not valid.

Please note…

  • The sign up process will take about 5 minutes to complete
  • Customers seeking assistance should call a Merck Gives Back support agent at 855-266-6774

Merck & Co., Inc.

  • US Based billion dollar pharmaceutical company
  • Based in Kenilworth, New Jersey
  • Founded by Mr. Jacob Friedrich Merck when he opened a little drug store in old town Darmstadt, Germany

Merck can be found on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol MRK.  The firm has more than 75,000 employees and is considered the planets 7th largest pharmaceutical company in terms of market cap.  Popular products produced by Merck include Gardasil (human papillomavirus vaccine), Singulair (leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) used to treat asthma), Propecia/Proscar (grow hair for balding people) and Zocor Vioxx Fosamax.

Via: www.cybergrants.com/merck/payments